Hala Plaza i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainHala Plaza



🕗 åbningstider

Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1771 5654
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Latitude: 26.2110191, Longitude: 50.5723107

kommentar 5

  • Sunil Madathil

    Sunil Madathil


    Hala plaza rather than a shipping complex people find this as a place for evening walk and exercise equipment like stationary cycle makes the Hala plaza a favourite spot. Small garden with chairs and children’s play area in the open area one in the kind in zinj area . There are more shops to come , once all shops become functional this might become a busy place in the future.

  • Prince A T

    Prince A T


    Good for Standard Products

  • en

    baloch baloch


    Very nice place

  • en

    Mustafa Rangoonwala


    Good place for family and shopping

  • Cesar Gonzalez

    Cesar Gonzalez


    BANU RESTAURANT at Hala Plaza Amazing persian food, one of the best I've ever had and way better than what I can find in my own country. The menu is short but all the dishes we tried were very tasty, I loved everything at this place. Love the decor also, and the staff is very friendly.

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