Al Hashimi Centre i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainAl Hashimi Centre



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Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 3436 4609
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Latitude: 26.2201318, Longitude: 50.5408949

kommentar 5

  • en

    Hussain Malalla


    An old mall with a need for renewal. No much of visitors. It is more of a shop complex than a mall. Currently only a bookshop, Abaya shoo and travelling agencies there.

  • mahmood alaraibi

    mahmood alaraibi


    Alhashimi centre is an outdoor mall kind of way. If you know your place around there, as in you know why you are going there. Then you wouldn't have any problem.

  • Ahmed Saleh

    Ahmed Saleh


    Nice place for spot clothes, Iranian products , books

  • Sayed Ali shubbar

    Sayed Ali shubbar


    Good one with lots of shops for purchase like lotus super market, nooh computers, nabtat dates shop, Al khunaizi travel agency, Insurance Company, books shop, sports wear shop and many other also near to Alhashmi its the local market for fish and vegetables, also 600 meter away its the gold shops

  • balasubramanian karthiyayani

    balasubramanian karthiyayani


    Good one with lots of shops for purchase like lotus super market, nooh computers, nabtat dates shop, Al khunaizi travel agency, Insurance Company, books shop, sports wear shop and many other also near to Alhashmi its the local market for fish and vegetables, also 600 meter away its the gold shops

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