Galleria Mall i Zinj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainGalleria Mall



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Zinj, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 7735 3535
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Latitude: 26.204555, Longitude: 50.5750103

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sama Bashar


    Amazing. If there was a million stars i would rate it. It is amazing

  • hem lata Singh

    hem lata Singh


    Galleria Mall is a small place to get different brand items as well as restaurants. It has big Lulu hyper market where we can get all household items. It has enough place for car parking.

  • Saira Asif

    Saira Asif


    A nice new strip mall kind of concept for Bahrain. You can find some really good restaurants with really well done interiors and food ! Coffee shops, a play area , ice cream shop, accessory shop, sports supplies, and when there is a store like Lulu in Galleria, there is a little something for everyone ! Perfect place for a quick stop and shop.

  • Ayman K.

    Ayman K.


    Good "mall" to do grocery shopping as it has a huge hypermarket (lulu) , there are a couple of interesting places to visit like Tim Horton's coffee shop and innovation furniture. Update, my review lost two stars because of the recent horrible changes made to the car parking lots, there's already a shortage when it comes to close by parking spots 😐 many of @galleriabh parking is rented to some car washing company and now rented other parking spots to parkpoint(valet parking company), trying to make extra cash at the cost of customer's convenience, horrible strategy to retain loyal customers =)

  • Waleed I. Sarwani

    Waleed I. Sarwani


    A new strip-mall opened on the outskirts of Manama. It's easily accessible from several routes including the Adhari highway. The flagship store is the Lulu Hypermarket but there are some clothing outlets, pharmacy, health and beauty shops and some great casual places to eat. Parking is easy and plentiful. Not all of the units are occupied at the moment but it should be quite lively once they are, especially at night.

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