Sharaf DG Seef Mall i Al Muharraq

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BahrainSharaf DG Seef Mall



🕗 åbningstider

Seef Mall, 1st Floor, Near Arad Fort Museum, Arad, Al Muharraq, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1732 8181
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.233941, Longitude: 50.5556981

kommentar 5




    I start my Retail Career from Sharaf DG Bahrain city center ended up with lots of experience patience in Seef Mall Arad ... Lot's of memories ♥️♥️♥️♥️ AS A LOCAL GUIDE WOULD SAY BEST ELECTRIC SHOP IN BAHRAIN 🇧🇭 S H A R A D D G 💌

  • Seinfeld HD

    Seinfeld HD


    Don't trust any of the workers there even if he told you to trust him. They sold me a broken ASUS laptop and I had to returne it to them the VERY NEXT DAY and they refused to get me my money back. I waited for a week then they offered a REPLACMENT?! I lost my trust in them and I wanted my money back. They gave it to me as a GIFT CARD. So I had to buy something else from them.. Poor costumer service. They only want your money Do not buy offers from them especially if it's a laptop. (I discoverd later that it was not even an offer, they like to trick costumers with fake offers) This is my experince with Seef Arad Sharaf DJ.

  • Bader AlShafei

    Bader AlShafei


    Was gr8 when they first opened. Dunno what happened. I prefer buying from the dealers themselves for the specific electronics than going to sharaf...

  • en

    Yazan Mohamed


    Salesmen are more concerned with receiving commissions(by sticking little notes on items) than actually helping customers. Tried to buy a fridge and was told they were sold out and will only deliver one to the store and not to my home. They even asked us to pay for delivery. When asking to speak to the manager, the salesman refused. Found the exact same fridge at Geant one floor below at 20% cheaper and they offered to deliver it for free. In short, don't trust the salesmen and make sure to check prices at elsewhere.

  • nikhil varma

    nikhil varma


    Poor service level, untidy looking store, higher priced than carrefour downstairs.

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