Sharaf DG Bahrain city centre i Manama Kingdom of Bahrain

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainSharaf DG Bahrain city centre



🕗 åbningstider

A-12, Bahrain City Centre, Manama Kingdom of Bahrain, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 8000 8007
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2336303, Longitude: 50.5540943

kommentar 5

  • Gaurav dilip sontakke

    Gaurav dilip sontakke


    I don't even understand why you have provided telephone number if you want to keep customers waiting on your answering machine. I tried calling atleast 20 times , I got connected only once in that but even there when asked him if product is available he gave me another number which again went to your answering machine. My call got disconnected atleast 5 to 6 times with response from your answering machine "Thank you for your call. Good bye" . I am sure that this is not the user experience you want to give to your customers. I can see similar posts discussing the same thing. DO you really care about the customer review ?

  • Valeed Mulla

    Valeed Mulla


    Variety of electronics good to compare from various brands and price ranges. Big space and friendly staff. Mall has enough parking. On weekends it's better to park on level 2 instead of 4 where sharaf DG is located this will save lot of time

  • Ahmed Al-Sharaf

    Ahmed Al-Sharaf


    Sharaf DG is a strange shop with a reasonable selection but sometimes fails to provide the basics. I find the staff to be inexperienced and lack the required knowledge. I have an argument with the floor staff every time I’m there. Third party and supplier deliveries sometimes an issue. After sale customer care and warranty very poor.

  • en

    Hamad Isa


    3 April - Original Message Terrible store offering low quality/ defective products. Immature process of dealing with customer concerns through adopting an approach of misdirection from the fact that their products are of low quality. Avoid buying anything from this place! 5 April - Response to the comment Submitted two complaints to you by completing the forms on your website. The first complaint was more than a week ago. To date, no reply was received. You are not taking customer complaints seriously and the only reason for this 'standard' response you sent is the fact that it is posted on a public website!

  • en

    Corne Van Aswegen


    Don't even bother to call !!! There service in the store is good, but their department phone operators are useless. I tried to reach the IT department to check on availability of printer cartridges instead of wasting time driving there only to find out the don't have stock. 3 hours so far of being transferred with no answer or listening to an answering machine. Eventually got given the direct line to the IT, but that's even worse. Machine answers your call rings 3 times and says "Thank you for your call. Good bye" . SO frustrating when you are on a tight schedule!!!

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