Value Car Rental i Manama, BU ASHIRAH

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainValue Car Rental



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Shop 67a, Block 332, Road 20, Manama, BU ASHIRAH, Bahrajn
kontakter telefon: +973 1782 2050
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Latitude: 26.208199, Longitude: 50.57599

kommentar 5

  • Sadiq Jaffer

    Sadiq Jaffer


    They asked me to pay BD1 due to car was dusty ! while the weather was dusty which is not my fault ??!!

  • Mohamed Yousif

    Mohamed Yousif


    Very good customer service, and most of the cars are 2018 new .

  • Ahmed El-Kholei

    Ahmed El-Kholei


  • en

    mike bh


    Very bad experience with one of the staff! He is the worst, rudest and no common sense at all. Car was washed Before returning the car to them, because it has been raining and and storm for the past 2 days. So from my house to their office its just normal to have dirt under the skirt or just on the lowest side of the car. Now, the agent said ''car is dirty", BS! He expect me to carry the car from house to their location? Or put a red carpet for my car? So that there would be no splashes from the tire,,,,! Cant believe this guy cannot understand the meaning of common sense!

  • Anees V K

    Anees V K


    Small scale rent a car company

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