Tooranco Rent A Car i Juffair

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainTooranco Rent A Car



🕗 åbningstider

Shop 50B, Building 70, Road 4126, Block 341,Juffair Avenue، Juffair 341, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1772 8998
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.209843, Longitude: 50.604113

kommentar 5

  • Riju Varghese

    Riju Varghese


    👍Good customer service...

  • en

    vijayan Rao


    Good rent a car company. Excellent service. Good cars.

  • Philly Phil

    Philly Phil


    I rented a car from tooranco for over 6 months. Always paying on time, and never complaining even after having my first car break down on me within a hour of getting the car. But after returning my car for the last time, they wanted to charge me 50 bd for just a scratch on the bumper which I'm pretty sure was already there. In the end they charged me 30 bd for the scratch. Two thumbs down, I will no longer be a customer to tooranco rent a car.

  • Jebby Rajan

    Jebby Rajan


    The absolute best customer service I have ever experienced in a rental car agency. To top it all they have the latest models and all are well maintained. For a hassle free and pleasant experience do try out Tooranco. You just can't go wrong with it. A special shout out to Mr. Rajan at Juffair branch for the extra​ care provided to me during my check out procedure

  • en

    Elma Milheart


    we first went with the competitors who rented us a 2009 Honda jazz for 150 bd, which was terrible and smelled like smoke- with no proper air. The owner at tooranco gave us a 2017 Toyota for the same price for the month. We highly recommend them to our military community!

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