Toyota Plaza i Tubli

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainToyota Plaza



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Tubli, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1778 7888
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Latitude: 26.1889743, Longitude: 50.5414606

kommentar 5

  • Mahmood ALBalooshi

    Mahmood ALBalooshi


    The best service center in Bahrain in all sense 👌🏻

  • Mazin Dhaif

    Mazin Dhaif


    Superb service. The service centre is of a high standards equipped with the latest technology and sufficiently staffed. The staff are very friendly and courteous. Minor service is performed within a couple of hours, while you are there. The notification service is excellent. They are truly reliable. I will never buy a car other than Toyota or Lexus.

  • Yousef Al-Borsais

    Yousef Al-Borsais


    I would like to express my thanks and gratitude to Mr. Abdul Redha, Lexus representative for his professionalism in dealing with his customers. He was very cooperative and welling to do his best to satisfy his customers. in addition to that; he is always in-touch with his customers to update them about their car condition. I definitely will keep coming to check my car in this service center as long this gentleman is available Yousef Saudi Arabia

  • en

    Bader Najeeb


    I'm a car guy and I know I'm still too young to drive but I was seeing what I would use for my first cars years in advance so I know that not a lot of people would go there to look at the cars because they would usually visit the showroom but I still had a good time and all the staff there are extremely polite and if you would go there to have your car serviced you could always inspect the cars on display in order to kill time.

  • Fadhel Hussain

    Fadhel Hussain


    Friendly staffs and great service.... But I think they need to look at the prices of service and parts because if you compare with other service garage it's big different..... also they need to introduce service packages like other companies.

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