Ahmed Zayani Motors i Zinj

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BahrainAhmed Zayani Motors



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Zinj, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1723 8811
internet side: www.ahmedzayani.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.2145766, Longitude: 50.561496

kommentar 5

  • Mahmood ALBalooshi

    Mahmood ALBalooshi


    I hate this agency, the salesman are bad and their spare part and service center is very expensive comparing the others

  • Asif Thaj

    Asif Thaj


    One of two dodge Chrysler Jeep dealership in Bahrain. Good offers available at times. Decent staff and average customer service. Service and parts can be expensive but the other dealer is at par in this regard.

  • en

    nabil Zied


    Good Agency for USA med.&big Sedan Luxury Cars in Bahrain.

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    Muhammad Arshad


    This is a good company. his staff is very good.i hope this no 1 company in Bahrain

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    Daniel Masters


    This is the absolute worst car dealership that I have ever had the displeasure to deal with. They are a JOKE!!! I don't know how they even carry a branded name. They have the worst customer service. Their prices for any service are totally inflated and unrealistic. Their service management and staff are totally incompetent and their mechanics are less than qualified to be working on these vehicles. The owner should be embarrassed of how bad this service department is. But of course, this is Bahrain and nobody is going to fix the issues. They'll just continue to rip the customer off and smile in your face while they take your money!! I will NEVER take my cars to this dealership again and I would never recommend Zayani to anybody.

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