The Walk Bahrain i Riffa

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BahrainThe Walk Bahrain



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Mashtan Road, Riffa 915, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1666 6661
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Latitude: 26.1369966, Longitude: 50.5585321

kommentar 5

  • Rashad Omran

    Rashad Omran


    Ridiculously expensive car parking to let you buy inorder to get free parking and way too over priced coffeshops. Nice architecture design soecially at nighy with lightings but the cinema is not worth the ticket cost... Bottom line... Go to City Center

  • Youssef Mousa

    Youssef Mousa


    A small plaza that is mostly under construction, except for the building and the lights at night and the "grand cinema". Parking is 1 B.D. for the 1st hour and 0.5 B.D. for each next hour. Not worth seeing for now

  • Ayman K.

    Ayman K.


    I wouldn't consider this place as a mall, a mini mall would be more suitable, what I like about this place is that there is Dip&Dip over here

  • en

    Rafael Martinez


    It was supposed to be the next big thing in Bahrain but it isn't. 2 restaurants with bad food and high prices. A cinema with 11 screens nobody goes to and a very expensive parking (1bd first hour). Not worth it

  • saintz. karol

    saintz. karol


    Not much options of restaurant to choose from. The place itself is nice. I always go there for Sumo and caribou. Ample parking space.

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