Alreem Centre الريم سنتر i Riffa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainAlreem Centre الريم سنتر



🕗 åbningstider

Abu Shahin Ave, Building 13, Riffa 923, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1776 0000
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.1377994, Longitude: 50.5662851

kommentar 5

  • Nusaiba Almadani

    Nusaiba Almadani


    best in town center for dinning, takeaway , grocery shopping, gifts, clinics, pharmacy, banks, Name it and you will find it.

  • en

    Hamad Almansoori


    Houses a nice selection of shops that are nice to visit if you are in the area from restaurants , pharmacy, grocery shop, and much more but unfortunately parking spots a very limited in comparison to the amount of people the place attracts and it would be a hustle tell you eventually find one.

  • en

    Abdulla Alaiwat


    Very easy access. No traffics. Lots of car parks. Many health clinics, coffee shops, restaurants, bank, etc

  • Bader AlShafei

    Bader AlShafei


    Parking is a problem. Especially when u r on um al nassan road. Be very careful when reversing out, ive seen dozens of accidents there. Other than that, great coffee shops to hang out...

  • chill chick99

    chill chick99


    Amazing location, good vibe, perfect for a study date or meeting up with friends. Conveniently placed ATM machines and supermarket. They have improved their parking so now its much better!

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