Tails Veterinary Centre i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainTails Veterinary Centre



🕗 åbningstider

Road No 3315, Manama, BH Bahrajn
kontakter telefon: +973 7711 3334
internet side: www.tails.co
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.2051674, Longitude: 50.5841365

kommentar 5

  • Hamad Al Mahmeed

    Hamad Al Mahmeed


    The service is great, staff is friendly and most importantly, they are professionals and care about the pets. I highly recommend you take your pets here for regular check ups, grooming and to purchase wet fresh pet food. It is relatively spacious with two examining rooms and a lab. A number of nationalities are represented here. Just try them out. Enjoy

  • Melissa Nesterenko

    Melissa Nesterenko


    Very pleased with this Veterinary Center. I will recommend this place to friends for their pet needs. My dogs are well taken care of at this Veterinary Center

  • Silvia Campos

    Silvia Campos


    It seems they have a new vet now, he is well know to be really good with cats and kind with pets. Good people working there. My dog is always happy to see Dr David, we really trust him. Thanks Tails!

  • en

    Melissa Baker-Noren


    Would not recommend for your pets. Very unhappy.

  • Ali Al Mahroos

    Ali Al Mahroos


    A Good vet I occasionaly take my pets to. If you are looking for a good medical care/ Price relationship this place offers good service for what you pay. I would say without a doubt top three veterinary clinics in the country. Summary: A good vet clinic

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