Bahrain Veterinary Centre i Maqabah

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainBahrain Veterinary Centre



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Budaiya Highway، Maqabah, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1769 2221
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.21896, Longitude: 50.491486

kommentar 5

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    Elham Almosawi


    I visit this place because it's close to my home. Their vaccinacions and medical services are in line with the market price (it cannot go any cheaper), but their grooming services are quite higher. You can find cheaper. Their supplies are handy considering you can't always find them in the supermarket, and given their working hours, it's all good.

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    Nic Munro


    Amazing service and real value for money. Highly recommended xxx

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    Ofline Time


    ONE OF THE WORST CLINICS I HAVE EVER WENT i thought that mayar was just one of those haters but it turns out she was right the location is near traffic! The staff are not welcoming! ; all are very demanding. Not giving very good explanations of symptoms. And that message bahrain vetinarian centre Wrighted back i am sure was only for there clinic to stay in business and have good reputation What they should never ever should ever have!!!!

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    Nadeem Frookh


    I agree with mayar it is a terrible clinic the cost was not worthi it and had one of the worst services you would be better of at Advanced vetinarian clinic Animal care clinic Or any other clinic I am only giving it 1 star because it is the lowest it can go dont come to this clinic is tottaly not worth it

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    Mayar Maskati


    For vaccination for 1 puppy it costs 71 BD the money is not worth it i swear i am not joking when we asked them why is it so much they said why didnt you tell us 71 is to much for u of course 71 is to much!!! And they were like why are u shouting off course i will shout 71 for a vaccination for a 2 month year old puppy.

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