Nissan / Infiniti / Renault Service Centre Y. K. Almoayyed & Sons i Sitra

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BahrainNissan / Infiniti / Renault Service Centre Y. K. Almoayyed & Sons



🕗 åbningstider

Sitra, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1773 2732
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.1513101, Longitude: 50.6187431

kommentar 5

  • ns baloch

    ns baloch


    Car service nissan is best

  • en

    Renault John


    If your not happy with the result there's always another way to voice out your experience directly to the brands

  • Farzan Mushtaq

    Farzan Mushtaq


    Just loved the services of Renault as they take care of each and every aspect and treat you like a king..This is my first car and i will always go for Renault in future because of the car anf the after sales service..very friendly staff and they are there to assist at anytime.

  • Adel Faqihi

    Adel Faqihi


    You will get the best car service with Nissan best customer service very much caring staff very respectful people working there with Yousif Khelil Al Moayed.

  • Ahmed Elnosany

    Ahmed Elnosany


    I have to admit the service was excellent and the guys there are professional i enjoyed my car maintenance there and from my experience after sale service this what build the brand.

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