National Finance House i Sitra

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainNational Finance House



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Road No. 10, Shaikh Jaber A. Al Subah Highway, 606, Sitra, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1712 0120
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.159654, Longitude: 50.6056695

kommentar 5

  • Ali Abdulkarim

    Ali Abdulkarim


    Flexible and fast enough to get your car.

  • Ahmed Shams

    Ahmed Shams


    best service and fast and too flexibly

  • Rashid Anwar

    Rashid Anwar


    Ridiculous customer service by Ali Mansouri. After the last installment some Penalty charges were debited to us which we were not aware and we were told to pay for the no loan certificate. When we enquired about it from the person, the person was hell rude and gave examples of policies and procedures and that it even if u deposit it on a day in bank, it will be counted in NFH bank once receiced in NFH account even if the receiving bank cresited to NFH account after two or three or four working days. This should not have been taken from customers. Its the bank n the NFH who should deal this late receipt of money in NFH account by bank. Totally HARAAM taken from customer for these penalties which were not supposed to be. When we asked for the name Of customer service representative, he gave the card by throwing it on table and said go n speak to manager or anyone. Will not recommend NFH to anyone. Useless, ridiculous and loud voice customer service. Heavily disappointed.

  • Jalil Yaqoob

    Jalil Yaqoob


    ماعندهم تطور في المحلات التجارية الثانيه العالم نت وبسرعه وانت في بيتك اتخلص الشغل بس هم لا ماعندهم هشي

  • Abdul Rehman

    Abdul Rehman


    Good service, nice and supportive staff.

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