La Fontaine Centre for Contemporary Art & Spa i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainLa Fontaine Centre for Contemporary Art & Spa



🕗 åbningstider

Road No 639, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1723 0123
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.232623, Longitude: 50.585098

kommentar 5

  • Shahzaib Farooq

    Shahzaib Farooq


    Good place but going through renovation these dats.

  • Anurag Bajaj

    Anurag Bajaj


    This place is the ‘Merryl Streep of Venues in bahrain. To call it an art gallery is an understatement - it’s as experience a must feel emotion and a place to just find your corner and do your thing no matter what sort of person you are. Yes getting there is a task but it adds to the enigma

  • en

    Waleed Rusheidat


    This is an old mansion in Bahrain. The owners did an excellent job with converting it to an art center and a high end restaurant. It's a must to visit if you are in Bahrain and especially in the cooler months to enjoy outdoor dining by the huge fountain

  • en

    joseph fernandes


    Good quiet place. Behind lafontaine too much of traffic congestion always .bcoz of not proper parking of vehicles..

  • Ahmed AlQasim

    Ahmed AlQasim


    A beautiful one-of-a-kind venue for public and private events. The outdoor ambiance is unmatched by any other venue in Bahrain. The only downside is the location is it os in the center of the densely populated capital, Manama, which makes it not very easy to reach and find a parking.

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