Jacques Dessange Salon And Spa i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainJacques Dessange Salon And Spa



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Rd 2601, Bldg. 55, Block 326, Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1771 3999
internet side: www.alghalia.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.219574, Longitude: 50.58943

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sharon Juan Roque


    A great place for pampering yourself! Good service plus they provide you some snack after a spa treatment. Their salon services are also good in terms of quality! The downside- super expensive.....

  • en

    Marianna Milovski


    Worst hair service with very expensive price!there are many nice and cheaper salons with excellent service.

  • Chrystal Peris

    Chrystal Peris


    I have been a member of their gym since August 2017. The gym is well stocked, the trainers are experienced, professional and friendly. Their hours are great. The receptionists are always very kind and pleasant and make sure to welcome everyone in and wish everyone a pleasant evening as they walk out. The staff in the gym who make the protein shakes are also extremely polite and kind, Haydee in particular. They always asked about my health and general well being. I recommend this place not only for good physical health, but also for good mental health because the staff will really make you feel great about yourself!

  • en

    Kaylee Potuznik


    This is my second visit. First time for the spa/massage side. Excellent. This time to get my hair cut n colour. Also very nice service. Will go again for both. This place also has a gym. Hopefully I can try that soon.

  • Zara Bakri

    Zara Bakri


    I go for the Moroccan bath and massages in their Spa section. Excellent experience every time, but it's not cheap. Enjoy.

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