The Breakfast Club i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainThe Breakfast Club



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Road No 3826, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1721 0107
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2137241, Longitude: 50.5922663

kommentar 5

  • en

    Gladys Iyawa


    Nice place. Enjoyed their food. They are also friendly and polite in their services.

  • Khaled Al-Deraan

    Khaled Al-Deraan


    So many options and great eggs variety the food is lovely and portions were above average. Nice decoration and modern reception. The only thing that would coat at least one star was the service! Very slow and poor although staff were friendly.

  • Timothy Tegel

    Timothy Tegel


    It is in a older building but has a quaint cafe style inside. It was all fresh high quality food which is popular with the locals. The prices are a little high but you do get what you pay for. I enjoy any of thier sandwich meals. Highly recommended. Very family friendly.

  • Jay D

    Jay D


    Really great food and service. Very fresh tasting ingredients. I've been several time and have enjoyed it every time. I tad out of the way but worth it for a quality breakfast or lunch. Decor is fun. Prices are right where they should be.

  • Ian Nixon

    Ian Nixon


    Excellent selection on breakfast menu. No pork items on this menu but still all good. Lovely presentation of food in a well decorated place with good ambience. Good with young kids too. A little on the pricey side, but worth the visit for sure.

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