Seef Dental Clinic i Karbabad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainSeef Dental Clinic



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Karbabad, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1758 7991
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2354088, Longitude: 50.5326891

kommentar 5

  • Tamer Abdulrazaq

    Tamer Abdulrazaq


    I've done both root canal treatment and a crown with Dr. Sami and was very happy with his work, the results were excellent and felt minimal to no pain at all for both procedures. The prices are a little steep compared to other places but you get a premium service in return with experienced doctors who are careful and caring so can't complain at all.

  • Amarjeet Rana

    Amarjeet Rana



  • B Widodo

    B Widodo


    This is my second appointment for root canal treatment. I still have to do another session. So far the treatment is going well with Dr. Mario Fares. Just suggestion for the receptionist people. Today they are not so informative and helpful. She just told me about the bill of how much I have to pay without any single explanation. For the amount of money that I have to pay, at least just let me know what is that for. She is not friendly at all.

  • John Savage

    John Savage


    Efficient service, well trained professional staff, very modern equipment. Fatima the hygienist is skilled and friendly. Quality comes at a cost, hope your insurance is robust!

  • Hussain Al Jishi

    Hussain Al Jishi


    Excellent service, second to none! Highly recommended

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