Salmaniyah Garage كراج السلمانية i Salmabad

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BahrainSalmaniyah Garage كراج السلمانية



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412 Bldg No.522 Area-715، Salmabad 715, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1778 5545
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.1844757, Longitude: 50.5322403

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nezar Al-Shakar


    Experienced in auto paints for over 40 years. If you are looking to restore your classic car, then look no further.

  • N P Group

    N P Group


    Best decision

  • en

    Sari Mashal


    serving Salmaniyah Garage كراج السلمانية, 412 Bldg No.522 Area-715، Salmabad 715 in main office and remote sites since 2009

  • Ahmed Hassan

    Ahmed Hassan


    My favorite Garage

  • YHK



    Best garage ever only use the high quality genuine automotive parts. With the best parts in the industry. as long as the Salmaniyah Garage Company (SGC) was founded by the late A. Kuzbar in 1960 in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Over the years, this pioneering automotive body repair and painting garage evolved into a diversified business which includes retail sales of automotive spare parts, body repair machines and accessories, automotive exhaust systems in addition to PPG DELTRON paint systems. Salmaniyah Garage has been around for almost half a century. So with nearly 50 years of experience, they have perfected the art of automotive repair.

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