Patong i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Shabab Avenue, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1781 3976
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Latitude: 26.2146153, Longitude: 50.5999378

kommentar 5

  • en

    Lalaine Gulbe


    Its ok.good taste..but portion are too small compare to other thai restaurants and they have the same price..

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    Kevin Gadsden


    Very nice place, friendly staff and good food. Nothing is too much trouble. Staff make you feel welcome.

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    j mit


    Decent Thai food. Decent place to eat alone or take a friend. Give the spicy pork soup a try. (Unless you are Muslim) The thai salads are nice, but medium spicy was too spicy for me.

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    Kent Wilton


    Have been a number of times so cant be bad, huh? 😄 nice sit-down restraunt. Staff is fairly attentive amd friendly. Food is above average Thai and some Chinese. Payment is cash only. Please leave tips in the tip box at reception.

  • Aaron Peck

    Aaron Peck


    Good, More Options than must Thai Restaurants. Primarily I was trying to find Homok. I found it here but when I requested medium spicy I got atomic fireball spicy! Made the meal almost inedible. Will try again but this time saying NO SPICE! Maybe they'll get it right. Price seems right. Ask for less spicy then your average. i.e. want spicy, go medium etc. Authentic more than most places.

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