Mirai i Adliya

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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1, Road No 3803, Adliya, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1771 3113
internet side: www.mirai-restaurant.com
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Latitude: 26.215341, Longitude: 50.592352

kommentar 5

  • Hazem Khan

    Hazem Khan


    Great sushi and nice atmosphere. I love the new addition to the second floor

  • Andrea Harries

    Andrea Harries


    Very disappointing duck salad - so drenched in sweet teriyaki style sauce I felt sick, in spite of having a sweet tooth. Could have been super-flavoursome. Other dishes might be nice though.

  • Nabil Rashidi

    Nabil Rashidi


    It's definitely a great option for a nice night out. The place has realy good food, and, bieng a vegetarian myself there was a good amount of choices. But some of the food comes fast and others takes a while. The service is great and the staff are very well trained and professional. The place is definitely recomended. Atmosphere is a bit mediocre with the jazz music playing. Feels like a bit outdated.

  • Khaled Al Ammary

    Khaled Al Ammary


    The best Sushi and Japanese Cuisine in the GCC! A MUST DO! Always my first restaurant to dine at, should I have the great pleasure of visiting my beloved Bahrain.

  • Nasser Abanmi

    Nasser Abanmi


    On of the few fine places in town to try and enjoy a Japanese food. The soshi options are fabulous. I recommend the grill Salmon and Seabass. The service are very friendly and professional. This review is a sum of many visits.

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