LUXX Nightspot Bahrain ( Wrangler club) i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainLUXX Nightspot Bahrain ( Wrangler club)



🕗 åbningstider

Block 340, Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 3983 1380
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.2128762, Longitude: 50.6051795

kommentar 5

  • Mohammed Kaka

    Mohammed Kaka


  • Aommy Trakultonsub

    Aommy Trakultonsub


  • Brandon Workman

    Brandon Workman


    I just enterd the establishment and ordered a long Island, after sitting down i pulled a menu and looked through to see what I wanted, and then after placing the menu back a waiter removed the menu but never took a order, I was never asked for a order or even acknoleged after 20 minuts. I wouldn't recommend this establishment. Lazy waiters and bad service. I'm not going to ask a waiter to take my order they should be able to do there job and ask if I want anything.

  • Nicky Jacobs

    Nicky Jacobs


    Single South African (non white) female and was deeply humiliated by the mistreatment of the manager who said I was too drunk to enter...My friends (all white) were allowed entry. Deeply insulted to have been mistreated and insulted in such a foul manner ! I cannot even begin to understand the managers action except to think that this racism is rife at this establishment and probably accepted by its patrons. Never been so insulted...

  • Simon Molina

    Simon Molina


    One of the busiest party spots in Bahrain. Packed most nights. Only plays hip-hop.

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