Le Vondome Hotel i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainLe Vondome Hotel


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142, Ahmed Al Fateh Road, Manama308, 1299 Manama, Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1367 7779
internet side: www.levondomehotel.info
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Latitude: 26.2261625, Longitude: 50.5840561

kommentar 5

  • Kayla Welch

    Kayla Welch


    ATTENTION: DO NOT STAY HERE. Especially solo female travelers ! It is NOT safe. They have many prostitutes. I cancelled my booking because right when I walked in the door there were more than 20 drunk girls taken advantage of. It is sad. It is ghetto, dirty , and just overall unsafe. Go anywhere but here. There are better hotels by the airport...

  • en

    Shagufta Nikhat


    Very bad hotel, I found cockroaches, no cleaning properly, staff not helpful, TV not working, waste of being here

  • syed mujeeb

    syed mujeeb


    Bad service, very big cockroaches, bed buds, no cleaning at all, not working TV, front deck no help. No parking.

  • Mr.Winter spirit

    Mr.Winter spirit


    1-Indian front desk was NOT helpfull at all . 2-There is NOT parking place for this hotel even though they mentioned that parking is availabe at booking website . 3-The females there were Suspicious. Looking at you in strange way as if they want something from you . 4-I booked for 4 days but did NOT spend even one night . 5-the room was so dirty . Signs of burn on the carpet . The coffie table was broken & the bed matress was over used .

  • Fuad Abdullah

    Fuad Abdullah


    Nice hotel and contains 3 upstairs coffee shops and 2 downstairs. All are equipped with bilardo. I recommend to visit the hotel during the night times. It is still required to renovate some of their toilets.

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