KFC i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1771 1111
internet side: www.kfc-arabia.com
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Latitude: 26.2140376, Longitude: 50.5872023

kommentar 5

  • en

    Muhammad Malik


    KFC Adliya one of the worst KFC branches in Bahrain if not the worst. Its well know for its BAD customer service n taste. Make sure to double check your orders and change for wrong orders as it tends to happen often and even more during rush hours. The taste too varies from KFC to KFC and this one once again is the worst. Don't use the toilet.

  • Jyky Krete

    Jyky Krete


    I woke up today with severe crippling depression and was too on verge of dying to go anywhere for food, and thanks to this restaurant they delivered right to my door a bundle of pure delicious burgers that cured my prostate cancer. I'd definitely order from here again next time I get crippled, 8/8. May Buddha bless you.

  • el mustapha ben bihi

    el mustapha ben bihi


    KFC is known for the best chiken for ever lol.. I like this place because for me it is the nearest one from my accomodation and what is good about it is that it is opened 24 hours a day 7 days a week; so when I wake up at anutime in the night I can go there and have a good spicy chiken meal...

  • en

    AHMED Adel


    great food and quality, only thing i didnt like was the service,the person at the counter felt like she doesnt want to do her work , or its her attitude i guess. no wishes and smiles

  • Sameer Baadkar

    Sameer Baadkar


    If your looking for a quick and affordable meal, then stop in. Food is low price and you can fill up without spending a lot of money. The chicken is good if it is Crispy, but it is only available in Spicy. Hope they can make some crispy chicken in regular?

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