Kebabish Restaurant Bahrain i Manama

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BahrainKebabish Restaurant Bahrain



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Isa Al Kabeer Avenue, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 3456 0646
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Latitude: 26.2344196, Longitude: 50.5833212

kommentar 5

  • en

    faraz ahmed


    This restaurant offer very nice taste of kebab. I was requested by my mix of friends Arabic , American and Indian to take somewhere which suits nice to the taste it was difficult to find a best taste suits to every one. I am thankful to a friend of mine for suggesting Kebabish. although my fingers was crossed but all meat kebab and Chicken karhai was best in class. Atmosphere was also nice.Prices was also reasonable.. Parking availability make me to come back again. Thanks Kebabish team for the fabulous event managed in a very short notice. Thumbs up

  • en

    Zeyad Ghaly


    Took my family for iftar today. They have great grill food and the iftar meal boxes are quite affordable. The ambiance is beautiful - my kids enjoyed taking photos at their photobooth area.

  • Faiza Anjum Qureshi

    Faiza Anjum Qureshi


    one of the best restaurants I have ever visited. They are providing delicious food with a great ambiance and the service is very quick. I recommend to everyone must visit the place once...

  • en

    Amna Khan


    Went there yesterday with my family. It's a great restaurant for families and has a fine-dining kind of ambiance and that too at pretty affordable rates. Overall, it was a great experience.

  • Salman Malim

    Salman Malim


    Good taste and well set interior in limited space! Good for families! Needs improvement in presentation of dishes.. and the cloth in which roti was wrapped in looked so dirty! Was scared looking at it.

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