i196 - Apple Authorized Reseller i Manama

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Bahraini196 - Apple Authorized Reseller



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Manama, Bahrajn
kontakter telefon: +973 1725 7257
internet side: www.196bh.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.235856, Longitude: 50.593213

kommentar 5

  • en

    Gael Burgoa


    Went looking for an iPhone, got my iPhone and the guy even worked out a deal with me.

  • Kreakx BH

    Kreakx BH


    Very disappointed by my last experience here, i bought a MacBook charger, and after more 1 month, no refund and they still have my charger.

  • en

    Nabil Mirza


    Excellent shop for Apple product repairs. I had an iPad 3 with damaged touch screen. Gave it to them and it was replaced with a New screen in just 2.5 hrs. The quality of work was perfect. Searched other shops in the Gosi Mall, only i196 was able to offer the iPad screen replacement.

  • Simon Mackay

    Simon Mackay


    Hello - Your website doesn't seem to load, so I would like to ask a question here. I live in Al Khobar, KSA. My iMac needs repairing (flashing folder icon with question mark in the middle). However, the iMac is OBS iMac (20-inch Early 2008) and I am not sure if you store has parts, or can order parts in to fix it. Please could you let me know if it would be possible? Thanks.

  • Sara Montclair

    Sara Montclair


    Very friendly, knowledgeable, and they fixed my phone in only a day! Thank you so much for your service!

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