GOSI Complex i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainGOSI Complex



🕗 åbningstider

Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1729 1551
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Latitude: 26.2357119, Longitude: 50.5931139

kommentar 5

  • Meme Central

    Meme Central


    Good place for electronics. Has a lot of electronics. Good place to find stuff you need

  • Vilaasam Wayanad

    Vilaasam Wayanad


    It's quiet not a shopping mall. Mostly it's occupied just with mobile & electronic gadgets shops... One or two coffee shops also. That's it.

  • Eman M. Shalaby

    Eman M. Shalaby


    The mall is mainly dominated by phone shops. You can find any type of phone whether it is used or new. You can find all phone accessories as well. You can get by buying a macbook there, I have seen a couple of shops that sells it but I didn't see any other branded laptops. The prices you will get is definitely lower than what you will get in SharafDG, Extra, lulu or any department store. However I am not sure if there is a place that would offer you a price even lower than that.

  • en

    Priya Meena


    Nice place with good parking facility. University is famous here

  • Murali Kumar

    Murali Kumar


    Here you can get all communication goods like mobile phone, i-phone, accessories and all kind of of communication items available. One stationary shop is here may be it is much useful for the university students have located in the first floor. Good place to buy a better network like Betelco, Viva and so on...

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