Dr Nonie Coutts Veterinary Surgery i Sulmaniya

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BahrainDr Nonie Coutts Veterinary Surgery



🕗 åbningstider

House 334, Road 912، Sulmaniya 309, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1724 5515
internet side: www.noniecoutts.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.220226, Longitude: 50.580263

kommentar 5

  • Ahmed



    Best in town, has all facilities for surgery and medical issues your pet needs. Slightly overpriced but that's fot the quality of the services they provide

  • Andrea Harries

    Andrea Harries


    Best vets in Bahrain. Completely professional, properly qualified, caring and a high standards of customer service. I’d never go anywhere else.

  • Raafat Rizq

    Raafat Rizq


    Simply the best vet clinic and pet grooming services in Bahrain. Look no further!

  • Sonia Moretti

    Sonia Moretti


    Dedicated, professional, compassionate and thorough service. Thanks to all.

  • en

    Sharon White


    Fantastic Veterinary practice! I have used Dr. Nonie's clinic for 25 years and have always been extremely pleased with the service provided to both my own pet cats and the countless stray cats that I have brought in over the years. Their new facilities are wonderful and nice to see their staff expanding. I had bloods run and blood pressure checked on my geriatric cat at his annual health check with the costs discussed up front for my approval and results whilst I waited. The Vet on duty was super kind as my old boy is very timid. Can't ask for better than that!

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