Dr Ali Mattar Dental Centre i Gudaibiya

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainDr Ali Mattar Dental Centre



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Flat # 18, Bldg # 1923, Road #2124 Block # 321, Gudaibiya، Gudaibiya، Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1771 4877
internet side: www.draliconsultgrp.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.224985, Longitude: 50.595645

kommentar 5

  • Omar Haydar

    Omar Haydar


    Don't let the building appearance or location dissuade, this is a premier dental practise. Dr Ali and his staff are experts and professional. Highly recommended.

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    Andy Sabino


  • fahad asab

    fahad asab


    When i had to see the one of the best dental service to be provided by Bahrain, my friend recommended Dr. ali mattar dental. i am so satisfied the service provided to me. all the staff are all well mannered and helpful. Will highly recommend to all my friends.

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    Joana Cruz


    Just finished invisalign orthodontic treatment a month ago and i was never so happy with the result! My orthodontist, Dr. Anas, has been very helpful and informative. Now i can smile confidently! And a week ago, my sister had a surgical operation and it was completely painless procedure! At first she was so scared because she had never been "under-the-knife" but Dr.Ali made sure that she was treated very well. She had fully recovered now and experienced very little discomfort.

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    Mohammed Al-Shangiti


    We visited there 4 times but each and every time we ended up staying way too long in the waiting room. They obviously overbook and double book to maximize profit which is fair if they managed it efficiently instead of wasting our time. They are outrageously over priced. They charged us 50 BD ($134) for a tooth extraction. The doctor literally spent like 15 minutes and he just pulled the already bound to fall tooth out. They have no clear pricing schedule and doctors pretty much charge you what they feel you can afford. I'd recommend you instead to Ram Dental Clinic who are very professional and reasonably priced (the first consultation is free and they charge 10 BD / $27 for a tooth extraction).

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