Downtown i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Manama, Bahrajn
kontakter telefon: +973 1722 7777
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Latitude: 26.234837, Longitude: 50.57372

kommentar 5

  • Manuel Florentino

    Manuel Florentino


    Para pasar una buena tarde/noche de cervecitas o copas con música en directo.

  • Reco O

    Reco O


  • Elton Dias

    Elton Dias


    This place has a Philippino live band performance every night..there is very loud music here.

  • en

    عبدالله الشهراني


  • Dr. Devan Surendran

    Dr. Devan Surendran


    A classy bar located within the Intercontinental Regency, Bahrain, Downtown impresses you as soon as you walk in, with its vast expansive seating area, the plush, warmly lit interiors, the predominantly brown and red theme, the high tables & chairs, the not too loud music, the live events area et al. The wide array of spirits at the bar counter too catches one's eye and is definitely bound to impress you immensely. The staff are extremely courteous and their service is wonderful, I felt. There's always been someone to greet me with a smile as soon as I walked in, which truly is a beautiful feeling. A special mention goes out to Mr. Vipin at the counter, who, with his courteous & cheerful demeanour, does a really good job entertaining guests seated at the counter. Wai and Ann are faces I've gotten familiar with, whom I've seen doing a lovely job at Downtown. Overall I'd definitely recommend Downtown to anyone who wants to have a good time here in Bahrain, especially because, even with the standards which they follow, the place isn't all too expensive, and, most importantly, the service is just brilliant!

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