Dome Cafe, Riffa Views i الرفاع

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BahrainDome Cafe, Riffa Views



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Shop 1, Building 772,, Road 4307, Block 943, Riffa Views, Al Mazrowiah, الرفاع 943, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1700 2221
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.1025276, Longitude: 50.5646337

kommentar 5

  • mhd sam

    mhd sam


    Excellent cozy place and great food. Loved the experience!

  • Mustafa Mohammed

    Mustafa Mohammed


    Friendly staff. Delicious food. Vegan options available . Try their falafel salad. Tastes better than it sounds ! And Never miss their pumpkin soup!

  • Mohammed Mufeez

    Mohammed Mufeez


    A great place for lunch, also great place for breakfast, food is good, coffee is great, although it takes sometime to prepare, so be prepared to spare atleast 20 minutes for a group of 4 or more, the place is always kept clean, has a nice comfy and friendly atmosphere, the staff are super friendly and prices are a bit on the high side, all in all a good place to be

  • Ahmed AlAnssary

    Ahmed AlAnssary


    Superb any everything. The food is so delicious and tasty, and the stuff are very nice and friendly

  • Abdulla AlBinali

    Abdulla AlBinali


    I like this branch, though, not as much as the juffair branch. The food at Dome is average generally except for the breakfast menu which I think is pretty good, though it would never be my first choice breakfast cafe. The staff are friendly and helpful. Reasonably priced. As for the location, it's great and there are always parking spaces available.

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