Diggers i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Delmon International Hotel Government Avenue, Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1722 4000
internet side: delmonhotel.com
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Latitude: 26.2329679, Longitude: 50.5722698

kommentar 5

  • Kev Morgan

    Kev Morgan


    Great staff good entertainment prices bit high but good atmosphere

  • Grzegorz P.

    Grzegorz P.


    Full of saudi sheikh's partying (hypocrisy, right?) with very intrusive ladies. You cannot even buy not to mention drink a beer in peace, almond constant proposals of company, "massage" or requests for ladies drinks. It's as close to a brothel as an Arabic place can get.

  • ภักสุดา บุญก้วาง

    ภักสุดา บุญก้วาง


    Very nice bar, good music, and more pretty lady there

  • Tony Caddick

    Tony Caddick


    Cheap booze good food and an easy atmosphere Yes there are working girls here but unless you tout them for business they don't bother you. The bar food is excellent

  • Waruna Wijesuriya

    Waruna Wijesuriya


    This place is a super rocking Party of your own. The band is super friendly and interacts with the crowd freely. The audience and even sing with them on stage and the band will back you up. By far as a rock fan, this is my regular place to eat, drink and scream rock! Be there!

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