Cake Boutique i Seef

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BahrainCake Boutique



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Road No 2825, Seef, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1755 2253
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.2332115, Longitude: 50.5387071

kommentar 5

  • Jillian Marshall

    Jillian Marshall


    They literally can make a cake look like anything. Their wedding creations are incredible. Monkey Cookies & Brownie Bear can both be purchased here too! Shop cakes don't disappoint. Ask for the Nutella Kunafa bowl - your guests will thank you.

  • Abbas Alafoo

    Abbas Alafoo


    Tried the Rose Pistachio cake. Not good at all. No pistachio nor rose taste! 5 people tasted it and none of them liked it. For the price I expected something much better.

  • Michelle Barleta

    Michelle Barleta


    Delicious brownies from brownie bear!!

  • en

    Jillian Marshall


    Great cakes with intricate designs. They have a huge selection of shop cakes and pastries; including Arabic desserts.

  • Ifrah Zaheer

    Ifrah Zaheer


    One of the best bakeries in Bahrain.The cakes are really moreish and delicious especially the rainbow and carrot cake.You can make amendments to the design of cake.They have amazing designs when it comes to the custom made cake. It's highly recommended for baby shower,birthday and anniversary cakes.In addition,they have good packages for organizing your whole event like birthday party !

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