Bin Hindi Kia Service Center i Salmabad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainBin Hindi Kia Service Center



🕗 åbningstider

Road No 411, Salmabad, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1778 5977
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.1858884, Longitude: 50.5328017

kommentar 5

  • Arif Saleh

    Arif Saleh


    Good car and good service

  • Bilal Khan

    Bilal Khan


    Great after sales team. Always there to go an extra mile to help. Specifically Mr. Jayan - Thanks for your support

  • Ahmed Afzal

    Ahmed Afzal


    need to get your car painted and money is not an an issue then this is the place you are looking for

  • en

    Khaled Noaman


    The place is over crowded for the number of cars they are serving. For sure Kia can do much more better than such a low service. If you sell so much cars you should build more space to serve these cars. A super fail from Kia

  • Waleed I. Sarwani

    Waleed I. Sarwani


    The main service centre for Kia. The location is not ideal and can be a bit tricky to get in and out of especially if traffic in the surrounding roads is busy. Finding parking in front of of the place can be a bit difficult too sometimes if you're dropping your car off for service. But, being in Salmabad, it's quite accessible from most places in Bahrain.

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