Beauty Bar 5 i Amwaj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainBeauty Bar 5



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Block 257 Road 5720 Building 2662، Amwaj 257, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1601 0555
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.288965, Longitude: 50.663168

kommentar 5

  • en

    Dr Elik Abdulla


    Very friendly clean and professional

  • sarah jane Mcentee

    sarah jane Mcentee


    Staff were really nice. I had a voucher bought for me to the value of 27bd. It was for a manicure/pedicure. The treatment was no different than my local salon which charges me 8bd for both treatments. I felt a like the trwatment was rushed a little..the lady doing my toes said that she had put top coat on..well she had not. What can you say! I was shocked at the price of this basic treatment. Nail polish started chipped 24hrs later. Also if you open at 10am the staff should be on site 10mins before to set up. They strolled in just after 10. I was waiting in costa. I wasn't attended to until 10.22am because the staff were fiddling about eating, chatting, prepating the salon. Cleanliness 5/10. Tissues and cotton wool and stands of hair on the counter and floor from the night before. I'm just being honest here. The staff as i say were very pleasant and chatty.

  • en

    Shel Mari


  • Rashid Al-Haqbany

    Rashid Al-Haqbany


    Great please very busy

  • Spa Five

    Spa Five


    Extremely friendly staff and superior service!

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