BEAUTOPIA i Shakhurah

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Avenue 57, Shakhurah, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 7733 9999
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2086475, Longitude: 50.4993553

kommentar 5

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    Amina Follad


    This is my go to saloon in Bahrain. I rate based on convinience and efficiency, and they have both traits. Very time efficient, excel in their services and also respond to consumer demand in terms of bringing celebrity hair stylists, providing makeup lessons and application by the top makeup artists, have the best nail technicians (who use their free time practicing different nail designs on eachother, by the way) and the list goes on. Take it from me, whatever you need, they will make sure to provide is to you in the best way possible.

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    Yusra Bushehri


    This is one the best in Bahrain, the customer service is excellent. All the equipments are technologically advanced, clean and well organized while still being affordable.

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    Sprouting Journey


    Fantastic nail technicians. Amazing service and team! The only salon I trust!

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    Sarah AlKhamis


    My favourite place to get anything hair/makeup/nails done. They honestly have the best/friendliest team, and make me feel welcome and at home every time I visit. Love Beautopia.

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    Maryam Al Fahad


    Great service, homey feeling, great attention to detail, and very spot on. love this salon.

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