Auto Lines Services i Salmabad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainAuto Lines Services



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Building 1190, road 422, block 704، Salmabad 704, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 3673 7874
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.18435, Longitude: 50.528099

kommentar 5

  • en

    hindrek kaeval


    Very good and professional service. With small additional fee they can also provide car pickup&dropoff service. Recommend to anybody whos car needs some work to be done!

  • Danny Bowden

    Danny Bowden


    I have used this service for both emergency repairs and routine servicing. Reasonable rates, swift service and quality work. Recommended to anyone in Bahrain

  • en

    Sarmad Rizwan


    Great service. Pick and drop as well. Wonderful

  • en

    Bill Nosworthy


    As an Expat arriving in Bahrain, the task of finding a auto repair centre and mechanic that I could trust was daunting. As I intended to buy my cars cash when I arrived in Bahrain, I was also looking to get "bang for my buck," and my first consideration were good used cars. Having experienced some mechanical issues with the BMW I purchased, I was grateful to have found Bader and the team at Auto Lines Services. I can only sing their praises as I am so glad to be able to deal with people that I can trust. I get honest advice and I am charged for what gets done and with no nasty surprises. I have dealt exclusively with this team since my arrival in Bahrain and I can strongly recommend this team for a profession and cost effective mechanic diagnosis of whatever problem you may have. Bill Nosworthy Janabiyah Bahrain

  • en

    Amer Alic


    The guys at AutoLines were very helpful in the repair of my 1999 Jaguar XK8. They were very informative during each step of the way.

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