Audi Bahrain Showroom i Sitra

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BahrainAudi Bahrain Showroom



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Sheikh Jaber Al Subah Highway No. 792, Sitra, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1745 9933
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Latitude: 26.1670375, Longitude: 50.60498

kommentar 5

  • Mahmood ALBalooshi

    Mahmood ALBalooshi


    Great showroom and great salesman are there

  • Ameena Alhallay

    Ameena Alhallay


    Design of the building is nice and the sales man was very helpful.. I liked the small accessories. They said they will have good deals in Ramadan...

  • Yusuf Darwish

    Yusuf Darwish


    The gear failed three times in less than four years - I ended up paying for the parts and labor!

  • Ayman K.

    Ayman K.


    Although I did not end up buying a car from Audi, yet the experience as a potential client was to be frank incomparable with any other Auto Showroom I have been to in Bahrain when looking to buy a car, their sales staff as well as the sales manager were amazing, I would definitely consider Audi as an option the next time I am planning buying a car thanks to the last visit there.

  • Vivek Joseph K

    Vivek Joseph K


    Courteous and polished staff, befitting the luxury products they are selling. You do feel a more personal touch here than if you were to visit a Toyota or Honda dealership. The sales staff know their products very well and are confident without seeming pushy or brash. They are also willing to go that extra mile to snag an undecided customer by making fairly generous offers on new vehicles so they are willing to sacrifice a bit of their margin to get a customer on board. This is not how car dealerships usually work and I'm impressed. Have already bought a car from them.

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