الإدارة العامة للمرور i Isa Town

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Bahrainالإدارة العامة للمرور



🕗 åbningstider

Isa Town, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1787 2222
internet side: www.traffic.gov.bh
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.1553727, Longitude: 50.538878

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mo Isa


    If there's hell on Earth, its over here. No one guides you. Nobody gives explanations of Government services provided to the community. Lack of knowledge. Rude Staff behavior. Limited Kiosk Machines. Excessively overcrowded, it's very difficult to secure Parking. Staff is ridiculously slow in processing files, they act as if they're King's & Queen's. One of the worst places in my experience.

  • Jopaul Jacob

    Jopaul Jacob


    Ever though it meant for traffic the parking lot is limited.. Can't find a place to park.. Atleast here must be sufficient area..

  • en

    Shiju George


    Very good place..Nice professionals dealing every people..Good theory class..Good instructions from experienced hands..good customer care..good class rooms..well maintained atmosphere..

  • Ada Vasiljević

    Ada Vasiljević


    No accurate contact number 🤬

  • Khaled Alezz

    Khaled Alezz


    The offical phone number that mentioned in the " official website" no body answers it, even if you call 10 times in a row. This number cover the whole department and the people who control that phone are sleeping . My simple advice to the General Directorate of Traffic is fix your phone line, because people have questions and your job is to answer and to serve the people. If there is nobody to answer the main phone, why you wasting people's time in calling that number without any response!!!! This is the traffic control department and they don't have a hot line rather than the emergency number! Wake up people!!!!!!!!

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