Al A'Ali auto parts i Hamala

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BahrainAl A'Ali auto parts



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Hamala, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1761 1566
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Latitude: 26.1428744, Longitude: 50.4915055

kommentar 2

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    ali sayed


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    Ali Mohd


    Are you planning to buy a Solite car battery? Al Akar , an authorized Solite battery distributor in Bahrain is here. Excellent performance with high reliability is what best describes Solite batteries. Al Akar is considered one of the leading Solite battery suppliers in Bahrain. For several years, we have offered a wide array of premium quality Solite batteries in Bahrain. Solite is a highly reliable automotive battery that satisfies car lover’s worldwide under all conditions. The internal rust-free calcium metal exhibits the excellent heat resistance and strong immunity against any drastic temperature change. It is a maintenance free product that needs no refilling of the electrolytic solutions. Solite is currently the major OEM supplier to Hyundai and KIA motors all over the world, and the presence of Solite batteries in all factory assembled Hyundai and KIA vehicles is a solid assurity of its superior quality.

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