ADVANTI i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Palace Avenue, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1774 4707
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Latitude: 26.234482, Longitude: 50.588261

kommentar 5

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    Cafe Rodriguez


    Can't wait to work together again and buy all the new upgrades for my next upcoming project.

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    Suad khalid


    Bought my son his first computer last month and have no issues with it. Great Job ADVANTI

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    Marina Center


    It's first come first serve. So i always run to the best computer shop on the island and buy all my Tech there.

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    Mohammed Emjay


    Great store and products with great support staff. They even made time and helped me out a few times with an old PC that had some hardware issues that I have bought almost ten years ago online from Amazon.

  • Ishan Nair

    Ishan Nair


    If you want an honest review pls go through this fully. Thx. They sell overpriced systems to people. They charged me almost 830$ for a PC with an i3 processor. I said the exact same thing in my previous review, and then they went on a rant about my information being incorrect. And if you look at previous reviews you would notice how defensive they get over constructive criticism, this shows you how bad of a place they are. If you are a gaming enthusiast, I suggest as a fellow gaming enthusiast, order your parts/laptop from abroad. With the same amount of money you would be able to build a Ryzen 5 PC with a GTX 1050 ti or get at least a good quality gaming laptop e.g the Dell Inspiron 5577. P.S. Advanti if you read this, you say my info was incorrect in my previous review. Well the bucks on you. The price you charged me was 315 BHD. To convert BHD to USD, you would convert the amount in BHD by 2.65. 315 x 2.65= 831.60 USD. Shame on you Advanti... Have a nice day everyone!!( Except Advanti)

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