Bahrain Indian School, Bahrain i Abu Saiba

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BahrainBahrain Indian School, Bahrain


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Highway 54, Abu Saiba, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +971 6 666 1663
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Latitude: 26.218967, Longitude: 50.4985212

kommentar 5

  • Fardeen Y.T

    Fardeen Y.T


    Worst school! I am the only Pakistani student in the school thry don't respect other countries it is only good for indian student's and bahrainis. It is very easy to say that the teachers do not take care of children's and plus they do so much scoldings because not being quite they want perfect silence but how can the student's shut their mouths for so long they do not allow washrooms while going out the worst teacher who asks to ask for water and does not allow to go to washroom is vijailakshmi and sheena. These teachers just make money and there are many other teachers. But maybe sompeople like the school but i don't. If you are non indian or non bahraini please dont waste your money in this school and whoever is aravic they say not to talk in arabic language .

  • Powel Moni

    Powel Moni


    Without google app I can't move my car 👍👍

  • en

    Aneena Mathews


    BIS is a good CBSE curriculum school, value for money and most importantly the school gives importance to overall development of a student. The teachers "do not give up" on any student, they do their best to bring out the best in each and every child. There are few teething troubles as BIS is not yet 3 years, the management is good and open to suggestions, which as a parent I feel is very good, it is noticeable that they are working towards ironing out these problems. Definitely a good school and worth recommending.

  • en

    Sobi Zameer


    As a parent i am very happy with Bahrain Indian School. This well eqipped exemplery school has incorporated integrated learning with regular indian curriculum. Its method of teaching and activities are all student centric. It focuses on the all round development of each child. I have seen great improvement in my son's personality as well as in academics. His confidence level, analytical skill and interest in extra reading has gone up.

  • Sanjay Sharma

    Sanjay Sharma


    As a parent I feel that Bahrain Indian School has very professional teachers who help in building a strong foundation for young students. My daughter's personality has improved multi-fold after joining BIS. Her verbal and written skills have shown a great improvement. Students get opportunity to participate in lot of cultural, educational and sports events which develop their personality 360 degrees.

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