Al Safir Hotel & Tower i Juffair, Manama

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BahrainAl Safir Hotel & Tower



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Building 670, Road 2411, Block 324، Juffair, Manama 324, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1782 7999
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.217014, Longitude: 50.604692

kommentar 5

  • en

    Joel Robinson


    The room is beautiful and has some great features in that there's a remote for the lights , Do Not Disturb, and even for the curtains. The staff were incredible! The staff answered every question or resolved all issues with the utmost care and speed. The bathroom comes pre-stocked with a toothbrush and paste, razor and cream, and soap. The shampoo is attached to a dispenser in the shower and wasn't a terrible thing. The one downside is there is no face towel/wash clothe as the hotel only has hand towels and bath towels. All in all was a great experience.

  • en

    Mustafa Filmwala


    Nice hotel. Service, hospitality all good. Food was decent, not great.

  • en

    Prashant Mishra


    They have a very great, sweet and friendly staff. The rooms are very luxurious and beautiful. The food is nice

  • Twinkle Twins

    Twinkle Twins


    WONDERFUL place for a relaxing holiday or a stop over. The hotel is situated at a prominent location close to all amenties. The offer you a wide variety of food with an amazing flavor. Every meal comes with a different menu. If you book a package food included you need not worry yo go anywhere looking for a variety of food as their buffet breskfast, lunch and dinner is packed with a variety. Good Arabian salads and desserts are rhe part of buffet as well. The staff is really caring, polite, humble and good enough to make you feel at home. The rooms are all equipped with the stuff you need. Anytime you ask them for help they rush and FEEL proud to serve you. Even the room attendant Kumari is so generous and willing to help you out any moment. I have been staying in the hotel for a couple of days now and really enjoying their hospitality.

  • Sam Kays

    Sam Kays


    nice hotel and clean but little far away from the old city very good breakfast and dinner i have the opportunity to visit it by gulf air while i was travelling to thailand soo thanks gulf air.

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